Saturday, August 22, 2020

International business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

Worldwide business - Essay Example Mostly, this might be on the grounds that not each one of the individuals who utilize the term separate it plainly enough from the famous idea of internationalization. A few scholars, truth be told, utilize the two terms reciprocally (Ibid.). Writing appears there is no single concurred meaning of globalization, yet that it might be the idea of the 1990s. As per Sklair’s (1999) examine, its significance is abundantly misrepresented, yet most books recommend it is a thought whose opportunity has arrived. To sift through every one of these thoughts, globalization as an idea utilizes Sklair’s (1999) scientific classification of seeing globalization in this paper towards the end. Each model is quickly talked about and investigated from the perspective of human science. The conversation tightens with a synopsis of these models, and as introduced by Sklair (1999) makes note that they are ruled by European-North American writing without sees from Asia. Be that as it may, these are just done after conversations considering how globalization as a marvel has won in the new thousand years. What follows are the means by which globalization has visited the new thousand years strategically, financially, socially or something else. Globalization, deciphered as worldwide financial reconciliation, is contended, as not being later since there have been times of globalization over numerous hundreds of years. (IPS, n.d.) It is just that there is currently the speeding up development of merchandise and ventures, individuals, capital and innovation being experienced far and wide. Explicitly globalization in the new thousand years is set apart by quickened decrease in transport and correspondence costs, more noteworthy worldwide specialization in light of advancement of exchange, expanding exchange benefits because of the computerized upset, and expanding mix of major developing markets into the world economy. (IPS, n.d.) . Politically, Macedo (n.d.) would include, the expanding arrangement of social measures and gauges of utilization; the debilitating of

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Industry vs. Inferiority in Psychosocial Development

Industry vs. Inferiority in Psychosocial Development Theories Psychosocial Psychology Print Industry vs. Inferiority in Psychosocial Development Stage Four of Psychosocial Development By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on April 21, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on December 08, 2019 Psychosocial Development Overview Trust vs. Mistrust Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt Initiative vs. Guilt Industry vs. Inferiority Identity vs. Confusion Intimacy vs. Isolation Generativity vs. Stagnation Integrity vs. Despair Industry versus inferiority is the fourth stage of Erik Eriksons theory of psychosocial development, which happens after the third stage of initiative versus guilt. The stage occurs during childhood between the ages of approximately six and eleven.?? Overview Psychosocial Conflict:  Industry vs. InferiorityMajor Question:  How can I be good?Basic Virtue:  CompetenceImportant Event(s):  School Verywell / Nusha Ashjaee Industry vs. Inferiority According to Erikson’s theory, people progress through a series of stages as they develop and grow. Unlike many other developmental theories, Erikson’s addresses changes that occur across the entire lifespan, from birth to death. Psychosocial theory does not focus on the obvious physical changes that occur as children grow up, but rather on the socioemotional factors that influence an individuals psychological growth.?? At each point in development, people cope with a psychosocial crisis. In order to resolve this crisis, children and adults are faced with mastering the developmental task primarily to that stage. If this skill is successfully achieved, it leads to an ability that contributes to lifelong well-being. For example, achieving  trust is the primary task of the very first stage of development.?? It is an ability that contributes to emotional health throughout life during both childhood and adulthood. Failing to master these critical tasks, however, can result in social and emotional struggles that last a lifetime. So what exactly happens during the industry versus inferiority stage? What factors contribute to overall success at this point in development?  What are some of the major events that contribute to psychosocial growth? The Social World Expands School and social interaction play an important role during this time of a child’s life.?? A childs social world expands considerably as they enter school and gain new friendships with peers. Through social interactions, children begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments and abilities. During the earlier stages, a child’s interactions centered primarily on caregivers, family members, and others in their immediate household. As the school years begin, the realm of social influence increases dramatically. Friends and classmates play a role in how children progress through the industry versus inferiority stage. Through proficiency at play and schoolwork, children are able to develop a sense of competence and pride in their abilities. By feeling competent and capable, children are able to also form a strong self-concept. During social interactions with peers, some children may discover that their abilities are better than those of their friends or that their talents are highly prized by others.?? This can lead to feelings of confidence. In other cases, kids may discover that they are not quite as capable as the other kids, which can result in feelings of inadequacy. Schoolwork Helps Build Competency and Confidence At earlier stages of development, children were largely able to engage in activities for fun and to receive praise and attention. Once school begins, actual performance and skill are evaluated. Grades and feedback from educators encourage kids to pay more attention to the actual quality of their work. During the industry versus inferiority stage, children become capable of performing increasingly complex tasks. As a result, they strive to master new skills. Children who are encouraged and commended by parents and teachers develop a feeling of competence and belief in their abilities. Those who receive little or no encouragement from parents, teachers, or peers will doubt their ability to be successful. Children who struggle to develop this sense of competence may emerge from this stage with feelings of failure and inferiority. This can set the stage for later problems in development. People who dont feel competent in their ability to succeed may be less likely to try new things and more likely to assume that their efforts will not measure up under scrutiny. The Events of This Stage Can Help Build or Undermine Self-Confidence According to Erikson, this stage is vital in developing  self-confidence.?? During school and other social activities, children receive praise and attention for performing various tasks such as reading, writing, drawing, and solving problems. Kids who do well in school are more likely to develop a sense of competence and confidence. They feel good about themselves and their ability to succeed. Children who struggle with schoolwork may have a harder time developing these feelings of sureness. Instead, they may be left with feelings of inadequacy and inferiority. How Can Parents and Teachers Foster Success During the Industry vs. Inferiority Stage? At this stage, it is important for both parents and teachers to offer support and encouragement. However, adults should be careful not to equate achievement with acceptance and love. Unconditional love and support from adults can help all children through this stage, but particularly those who may struggle with feelings of inferiority. Children who are overpraised, on the other hand, might develop a sense of arrogance. Clearly, balance plays a major role at this point in development. Parents can help kids develop a sense of realistic competence by avoiding excessive praise and rewards, encouraging efforts rather than outcome,  and helping kids develop a growth mindset. Even if children struggle in some areas of school, encouraging kids in areas in which they excel can help foster feelings of competence and achievement.?? Example Perhaps the best way to visualize how the industry vs inferiority stage might impact a child is to look at an example. Imagine two children in the same 4th-grade class. Olivia finds science lessons difficult, but her parents are willing to help her each night with her homework. She also asks the teacher for help and starts to receive encouragement and praise for her efforts. Jack also struggles with science, but his parents are uninterested in assisting him with his nightly homework. He feels bad about the poor grades he receives on his science assignments but is not sure what to do about the situation. His teacher is critical of his work but does not offer any extra assistance or advice. Eventually, Jack just gives up, and his grades become even worse. While both children struggled with this aspect of school, Olivia received the support and encouragement she needed to overcome these difficulties and still build a sense of mastery. Jack, however, lacked  the social and emotional encouragement he needed. In this area, Olivia will likely develop a sense of industry where Jack will be left with feelings of inferiority. Stage 5: Identity vs. Confusion

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effects of Television on Our Society Essays - 6952 Words

Effects of Television on Our Society INTRODUCTION Plato once, prophetically, posed a question that hints at the very core of this project. In philosophizing on the issue of entertainment and its various, sometimes questionable, sources he asked his fellow citizens to consider the following â€Å"Shall we just carelessly allow our children to hear casual tales which may be devised by casual persons, and to receive into their minds ideas for the most part the very opposite of those which we should wish them to have when they are grown up?† Shall we indeed? It is an ongoing debate. Plato obviously recognized the power stories have to shape who and what we are, and although some may be reluctant to admit to how much influence TV†¦show more content†¦The work of communication theorist and professor, Stuart Hall, confirms that meanings are not inherently in people; rather they are derived from external sources, one primary source being the mass media to which we are repeatedly exposed; in our homes, in our cars, and on the job. Hall asserts the media serves the myth of democratic pluralism-the pretense that society is held together by common norms, including equal opportunity, respect for diversity, individual rights..(Griffin 2000). TV sitcoms may not be intended to mirror our society, but they are perceived as such and the resulting ideology is a culture that at some level accepts whats being handed to them without examining the messages within. This newsletter is an attempt to examine these messages on a deepe r, more critical level. OUTLINE Race Portrayal and Sitcoms Gender Issues Stereotypes TV Families Television Violence Religion in Contemporary Sitcoms Religion in The Simpsons Pop Culture and The Simpsons Race Portrayal on Sitcoms In today’s society, it is safe to say that everyone has seen at least one sitcom in his or her life. The sitcom is simply a show about day-to-day life, with funny situations and problems and obstacles that must be overcome. People can relate to sitcoms because the characters are just average families and average people with average jobs. Sitcoms are essentially tapping at the root of American Humanism; drawing people’s interest aboutShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Television On Our Society2061 Words   |  9 PagesEveryone’s heard of Autism or Down Syndrome, possibly even Huntington’s Disease, but there are many different kinds of genetic disorders that most people have never heard of or have only seen on television. 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Social Networks and the Arab Spring Free Essays

string(190) " gives light to another contrasting perspective about the importance of online social networks being highlighted by international media to emphasize the role of Western ideals of democracy\." â€Å"An Examination of the Role of Online Social Networks in the Uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt in 2010-11† In the academic research and journalism about the Arab Spring, there are contrasting views surrounding the importance of the Internet and online social networks in the success of the uprisings. Did the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt give validity to Egyptian Google executive Wael Ghonim’s claim that â€Å"if you want to liberate a society, just give them Internet† (Ghonim CNN), or was the function of online social networks greatly exaggerated by international media to highlight Western ideals of democracy? This research paper will closely analyze the extent to which these online social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, mobile phone networks, and YouTube were used as tools for the organization and mobilization of civil disobedience in Tunisia and Egypt in 2010-11. It will examine the role and impact of online social networks and will assess whether they were merely extensions of offline communities or if they played an integral and mandatory role in these uprisings. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Networks and the Arab Spring or any similar topic only for you Order Now Though this paper will investigate the range of opinion on the impact of digital media in the Arab Spring, it will argue that online social networks played an integral role for Tunisian and Egyptian citizens in their rapid and successful uprisings. Online social networks blur geographical boundaries, which create opportunities for widespread communication, effective organization, mobilization of citizens, and the sharing of videos locally and internationally. Before the proliferation of digital media in the Middle East, these opportunities were not available to citizens and communication was limited to individual communities or offline networks. The combination and collaboration of already established offline networks, various digital technologies, and online social networks lead to the success of the civilians in overthrowing their governments. Despite the years of civil discontent and corruption in both the Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak governments, revolution did not occur until digital media provided the opportunity for different communities and individuals to unite around their shared upsets and create mobilization strategies online. In Tunisia and Egypt, â€Å"social media have become the scaffolding upon which civil society can build, and new information technologies give activists things that they did not have before: information networks not easily controlled by the state and coordination tools that are already embedded in trusted networks of family and friends† (Howard 2011). It will be shown that although online social networks act as an extension of the offline public sphere, their role in these uprisings was integral in creating an organizational infrastructure and to generate international awareness and aid against the corrupt governments. Discontent had been brewing in Tunisia for years during President Zine El Ben Ali’s rule. In 2009 he was reelected for a fifth term with an overwhelmingly fraudulent 89% of voters (Chrisafis, 2011). Despite years of suffering from an oppressive regime, rising unemployment rates, and censorship, it was not until the self-immolation of a vendor, Mohamed Bouazizi, was documented and transmitted online that the revolution gained the awareness and support it needed to make a difference. There had been previous acts of protest, but â€Å"what made a difference this time is that the images of Bouazizi were put on Facebook† (Beaumont, 2011). A relative of Bouazizi, Rochdi Horchani, went so far as to state, â€Å"we could protest for years here, but without videos no one would take any notice of us† (Chrisafis, 2011). The revolutions in Tunisia inspired Egyptian activists to use similar tactics to evoke change in their own corrupt government. Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak ruled over Egypt from 1981 to 2011, when he was overthrown by the organized and effective protests of Egyptian citizens. Although social media and digital technologies had little to do with the underlying sociopolitical and socioeconomic factors behind the civil discontent, they played a rapid role in the disintegration of these two regimes. In addition, even though corruption had been occuring for many years in the governments, â€Å"all inciting incidents of the Arab Spring were digitally mediated in some way† (Hussain, 2012) whether it was documented and disseminated online or discussed on an online social network. The corruption and discontent of the citizens may have inevitably lead to protests in both countries, but â€Å"social media was crucial† (Khondker, 2011) due to it’s communication and organizational abilities. The cruciality of online social networks and digital technologies is contested by theorists who argue that â€Å"other sociological factors such as widespread poverty and governmental ineptitude had created the conditions for extensive public anger† (Hussain, 2011) and that these preexisting conditions caused the revolutions. Several pundits including Gladwell and Friedman argue, â€Å"that while Facebook and Twitter may have had their place in social change, the real revolutions take place in the street† (Hussain, 2011). Though these theorists are correct in their attribution to the already existing political discontent for the preconditions to the revolution, online social networks acted as a necessary extension of offline social networks and action. It is likely the successes of the protests in the streets would not have been as large without the communication potential of digital media. One pundit attributed the lack of violence in the revolutions to the digital media stating that the use of online social networks â€Å"may have less to do with fostering Western-style democracy than in encouraging relatively less violent forms of mass protest† (Stepanova, 2011). Now that citizens had other vessels to communicate internationally and were no longer censored and controlled by their state regulated media, the governments could not be so open about their brutality. Pundits such as Gladwell and Friedman overlook the fact that â€Å"digital media allowed local citizens access to international broadcast networks, networks which were then used by online civil society organizations to lobby advocacy campaigns† (Hussain, 2012). It was these social networks that aided Tunisian and Egyptian citizens with their success in the streets. The Arab Spring has also been attributed the nickname of â€Å"The Twitter Revolution† (Stepanova, 2011) due to the large role Twitter and Facebook played in the uprisings. This nickname gives light to another contrasting perspective about the importance of online social networks being highlighted by international media to emphasize the role of Western ideals of democracy. You read "Social Networks and the Arab Spring" in category "Essay examples" Due to the fact that digital technologies and online social networks proliferated the West before the Middle East, the U. S claims credit for the democratizing effects they had on the Middle East during the Arab Spring (Stepanova, 2011). By emphasizing the power of new technologies in spreading Western democratic values, this approach ignores the socioeconomic and social equality dimensions of the massive protests in the Arab world. Ekaterina Stepanova states that â€Å"the automatic connection [The United States] makes between social media and a Western-style democracy agenda† (Stepanova, 2011) is a weak link in U. S policy. Social media tools with identical functions can operate differently in developed versus developing countries. It was not just the Western media which stressed the role of online social networks in the Arab Spring, but also local media and the civilians themselves. The role of Twitter and Facebook may have been emphasized in Western media due to their nationalistic attitude, but this should not downplay the actual importance that these technologies held in the uprising. During the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, social networks were the key factor in the communication, mobilization, and organization of civilians. Civilians used their mobile phones or computers to access online social networks where they could discuss and plan tactics for the revolution, and disseminate messages and photos of what was occurring. During the anti-Mubarak protests, an Egyptian activist put it succinctly in a tweet: â€Å"we use Facebook to schedule the protests, Twitter to coordinate, and YouTube to tell the world† (Hussain, 2012). In the ‘Jasmine Revolution’, the role of mobile phones was integral in both sharing and receiving information. The phone acted as a tool which aided in the extension of offline networks into online. Now, civilians did not need to be face to face to communicate messages of discontent or plans for rebellion as they had mobile networks. The ability to message many people at one time of access their Facebook or Twitter from their phone was invaluable to the rebels. Reporters without Borders stated that â€Å"the role of cell phones also proved crucial [in Tunisia]. Citizen journalists kept file-sharing websites supplied with photos and videos, and fed images to streaming websites† (Reporters without Borders, 2011). It was not just the vast communication abilities that aided citizens in the revolt, but by putting cameras in the hands of a plethora of Tunisians they became citizen journalists with the ability to show what was happening to them to the world. The ability for citizens to take part in news is very valuable as this was a time where all media broadcast institutions were state run. The great difference between what was being reported about through the citizens versus the state allowed those uprisings to share their side of the story. Government censorship was a huge problem in both Tunisia and Egypt, but censorship â€Å"made the new media more relevant† (Khondker, 2011). Social media was very useful for the citizens as it â€Å"brought the narrative of successful social protest across multiple, previously closed, media regimes† (Hussain, 2012). It was due to the mobile phone and heavy proliferation of online social networks that citizens could show proof of the injustices that were occurring through photo and video documentation on an international scale. In addition, communicating online was very effective for civilians since they could plan out offline protests with a mass audience. As stated, the internet blurs geographical boundaries, which allows revolutionary leaders and advocates to find each other and communicate online. Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter provided citizens with a platform to discuss plans of action and reach mass audiences. The ability to reach so many people online was essential since â€Å"information and communication networks can serve as powerful accelerators of social transformation† (Stepanova, 2011). Facebook groups such as â€Å"We Are All Khaled Said† enlisted 350,000 members before the 14th of January (Khondker, 2011). This group provided the members with an incomparable medium of communication to anything offline social networks could provide. In addition, other than attempted media blackouts by the governments, communication was rather unlimited online. Activists posted relatively freely, which indicated that â€Å"new information technology has clearly the transformative potential to open up spaces of freedom† (Khondker, 2011). The idea of online spaces as democratic and free draw upon Jurgen Habermas‘ concept of the public sphere. There are integral benefits of the internet in relation to Habermas’ public sphere, such as the vast library of easily accessible information, a new platform for critical political discussion, the blurring of spacial boundaries, and the embracing of new technology. In the Arab Spring, the usage of the internet empowered Habermas’ concept of deliberative democracy, which highlights â€Å"the role of open discussion, the importance of citizen participation, and the existence of a well-functioning public sphere† (Gimmler, 23). Habermas holds that deliberative democracy is based â€Å"on a foundation that enables the legitimacy of the constitutional state and civil society to be justified† (Gimmler, 23). He separates the â€Å"constitutional democratic state and its parliamentary and legal institutions, on one side, and the public sphere of civil society and its more direct communication and discursive foundations, on the other† (Gimmler 24). The opposition between the corrupt governments and civilians was represented on online social networks. Civilians used social networks as spaces of deliberative democracy, which acted as an online public sphere. Henry Brady states that â€Å"meaningful democratic participation requires that the voices of citizens in politics be clear, loud, and equal† (Hindeman, 6), online social networks give power to those voices that are silenced by state regulations. The fact that â€Å"information technologies have opened up new paths to democratization and the entrenchment of civil society in many Arab countries† (Hussain, 2012) attests to their function as a public sphere. Though there were effective offline social networks such as the Church, family, and friends, â€Å"the networks of people who did mobilize, did so with the direct application, initiation, and coordination, of digital media tools† (Hussain, 2012). Online social networks acted as extensions of offline networks that were already present, but also provided the opportunity to reach a much larger amount of people. The plans and decisions made on the online networks made the offline protests so successful. Virtual networks materialized before street protest networks† (Hussain, 2012), which shows the importance of online social networks. In the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, there was no single social network that was completely responsible for the success of the revolution. Instead, it was the combination of mobile phones, the internet, and traditional broadcast media which aided citizens in forming powerful networks which strengthened their cause. Castells defines a network s ociety as â€Å"a society whose social structure is made of networks powered by microelectronics-based information and communication technologies. By social structure, [he] understands the organizational arrangements of humans in relations of experience and power expressed in meaningful communication coded by culture† (Castells, 2004). This definition accurately describes the atmosphere in both Tunisia and Egypt during their revolutions due to the reliance on online social networks. In both Tunisia and Egypt, there was a manifestation of technology which aided citizens in communicating. Social networking sites, instantaneous internet, and always-available mobile phones created a powerful network which allowed citizens to always be connected to each other. Some degree of formal organizational and informal networks is necessary for revolution in order to communicate and plan. Egyptians utilized heavy social media connectivity through the use of the mobile device via texting of internet through their phone rather than personal computer. One Egyptian citizen tweeted on January 26th, 2011 â€Å"You who have Twitter and Facebook working on your phone, use them to spread words of hope. We won’t let this end here #jan25 was just the start† (Boyd, 2011). Citizens were encouraging each other to avoid traditional forms of communications via the internet to avoid government censorship and interference. Castells stated that â€Å"thus was born a new system of mass communication built like a mix between an interactive television, internet, radio and mobile communication systems. The communication of the future is already used by the revolutions of the present† (Castells, 2011, emphasis on the original) when describing the use of technologies in the Arab Spring. The issue of censorship posed a large barricade on the protesters due to their reliance on social networks and the internet. The Ben Ali regime realized the importance of Facebook in early January 2011 and stepped up their censorship with attempts to curb the heavy distribution of photos of protests and repression. There was increasing interest from the foreign media due to the power of ICT’s in spreading the story worldwide, which also influenced the state to up online censorship. The head of the Agencie Tunisienne d’Internet (ATI) said â€Å"the number of websites blocked by the authorities doubled in just a few weeks. More than 100 Facebook pages about the Sidi Bouzid events were blocked, along with online articles about the unrest in foreign media†¦ olice also hacked into Facebook accounts to steal activists passwords and infiltrate networks of citizen-journalists† (Reporters Without Borders, 2011) . It was the power of networks which allowed the citizens to overcome the censorship of the government. Due to the many options of communications devices, when one was blocked citiz ens would resort to another. In addition, citizens found ways around the internet blockage and activist hacker groups rebutted with hacks on government websites and found technical ways to pass on news and demands from inside Tunisia. The positive role of technology within the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt cannot be disputed. Although, such heavy use of technology caused the corrupt governments to attempt to intervene, the positives far outweigh the negatives. Information and communications technologies allowed oppressed citizens to rise above the government through the power of mobility, networks, and information. The portability of the cell phones partnered with the creation of networks through the multiple technologies utilized allowed the voice of the citizens to be heard worldwide. The positive effect these technologies had in empowering the both the Tunisians and the Egyptians is clear in the mere rapidity that they overthrew their corrupt governments once they started revolting. In addition, it is clear that these ICT’s had a large effect since the government responded so harshly towards them, clearly feeling threatened. Overall, it is evident that ICT’s played a large role in the effective and swift revolutions which started the domino effect of the Arab Spring. *Copy Right- Nobody has permission to use my work in their own academic research* How to cite Social Networks and the Arab Spring, Essay examples

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Teaching Creationism Essay Example For Students

Teaching Creationism Essay I believe in creation. I believe that God created the world. I believe in the bible story of creation, but I think that when they say that God created the world in six days that they might not have meant six days as in what we think of as a days. God could have used evolution to create the world, but I dont really know if I believe that he did or not. I believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans on Earth. I believe that evolution could possibly have something to do with how they were created, but I dont know how. I believe that God made people pretty much exactly how they are and they havent evolved from anything else. I think that God made humans special and different than any other kind of animal. I think that God created animals pretty much how they are and all the different kinds differently. I think different species have changed slowly over the years to adapt to their environment which has also changed slowly, but I dont think that all animals evolved from a single ancestor. We will write a custom essay on Teaching Creationism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I dont believe in evolution for many reasons. First of all God creating the world doesnt seem to fit in with evolution, but it could just be the way he created the world. Also I thought that evolution was just a theory that no one could prove. And whatever proof I saw for evolution I saw equally valid proof for creation too. I also believe in creation because I was always taught that there is not a lot of proof that God exists you just have to believe that he created the world .

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

How to Conjugate the Verb Potere in Italian

How to Conjugate the Verb Potere in Italian Talking about what you can and can’t do is a basic cornerstone of everyday conversation, so you’re going to want to know the verb â€Å"potere† and its conjugations inside and out. What’s more, it’s an irregular verb, so it doesn’t follow the typical -ere verb ending pattern. Below you’ll find all of its conjugation tables as well as examples. Some definitions of â€Å"potere† include: To be able toCanMay What to know about potere: It’s a transitive verb, so it takes a direct object.When it’s used as a modal verb, it usually takes the auxiliary verb required by the verb it is paired with.The infinito is â€Å"potere†.The participio passato is â€Å"potuto†.The gerund form is â€Å"potendo†.The past gerund form is â€Å"avendo potuto†. INDICATIVO/INDICATIVE Il presente io posso noi possiamo tu puoi voi potete lui, lei, Lei pu loro, Loro possono Esempi: Possiamo andare al Colosseo? - Can we go to the Coliseum?Mi puà ² aiutare? - Can you help me? (formal)Loro possono fare tutto quello che vogliono. - They can do whatever they want. Il passato prossimo io ho potuto noi abbiamo potuto tu hai potuto voi avete potuto lui, lei, Lei ha potuto loro, Loro hanno potuto Esempi: L’anno scorso ho guadagnato un sacco di soldi, cosà ¬ ho potuto comprare una nuova macchina!   - Last year I earned a bunch of money, so I was able to buy a new car.Non ti abbiamo potuto aspettare. - We couldn’t wait for you. L’imperfetto io potevo noi potevamo tu potevi voi potevate lui, lei, Lei poteva loro, Loro potevano Esempi: C’erano tante lingue tra cui potevo scegliere ad imparare, perà ² alla fine, ho scelto l’Italiano. - There were a lot of languages I could have chosen to learn, but in the end, I chose Italian.Quando mi ha raccontato la storia, non ci potevo credere! - When he told me the story, I couldn’t believe it! Il trapassato prossimo io avevo potuto noi avevamo potuto tu avevi potuto voi avevate potuto lui, lei, Lei aveva potuto loro, Loro avevano potuto Esempi: Non avevo mai potuto studiare all’estero. - I had never been able to study abroad.Era il massimo che loro avevano potuto fare. - It was the maximum they had been able to do. Il passato remoto io potei/potetti noi potemmo tu potesti voi poteste lui, lei, Lei pot/potette loro, Loro poterono/potettero Esempi: L’esercito di Napoleone non potà © sopravvivere nella campagna sperduta della Russia durante l’inverno. - Napoleon’s army couldn’t survive in the hopeless countryside of Russia during the winter.I nostri bisnonni non poterono/potettero viaggiare dapertutto come possiamo attualmente. - Our great-grandparents couldn’t travel anywhere like we can now. Il trapassato remoto io ebbi potuto noi avemmo potuto tu avesti potuto voi aveste potuto lui, lei, Lei ebbe potuto essi, Loro ebbero potuto Esempi: Quando i bambini ebbero potuto, mangiarono le caramelle. - When kids were could, they ate candies.Continuai a ripetere la stessa frase, finchà ¨ Mary ebbe potuto capire. - I kept repeating the same sentence, until Mary was able to understand. TIP: This tense is rarely used, so don’t worry too much about mastering it. You’ll find it in very sophisticated writing, and that’s about it. Il futuro semplice io potr noi potremo tu potrai voi potrete lui, lei, Lei potr loro, Loro potranno Esempi: Quando tornano a casa, potremo andare a cena. - When they return home, we will be able to go to dinner.Potranno guardare il film con noi? - Will they will be able to watch the movie with us? Il futuro anteriore io avr potuto noi avremo potuto tu avrai potuto voi avrete potuto lui, lei, Lei avr potuto loro, Loro avranno potuto Esempi: Avevi il pomeriggio libero, avrai potuto dedicarti a te stessa! - You had a free afternoon, you must have dedicated time to yourself! Come avrete potuto notare avete passato l’esame! - As you will have noticed, you passed the exam! CONGIUNTIVO/SUBJUNCTIVE Il presente io possa noi possiamo tu possa voi possiate lui, lei, Lei possa loro, Loro possano Esempi: Penso che, dato che ho gi il visto, io possa vivere in Italia per un anno. - Given that I already have a visa, I think that I live in Italy for a year.Sono contenta che tu possa venire con noi. - I’m happy that you can come with us. Il passato io abbia potuto noi abbiamo potuto tu abbia potuto voi abbiate potuto lui, lei, Lei abbia potuto loro, Loro abbiano potuto Esempi: Sono felice che Leonardo abbia potuto aiutarti. - I’m happy that Leonardo was able to help you.Non siamo sicuri se abbiano potuto trovare la scuola. - We’re not sure if they were able to find the school. L’imperfetto io potessi noi potessimo tu potessi voi poteste lui, lei, Lei potesse loro, Loro potessero Esempi: Speravo che lui potesse aiutarmi! - I hoped that he would be able to help me!Credeva che potesse cercare un nuovo lavoro senza problemi. - She believed she would be able to find a new job without problems. Il trapassato prossimo io avessi potuto noi avessimo potuto tu avessi potuto voi aveste potuto lui, lei, Lei avesse potuto loro, Loro avessero potuto Esempi: Vorrei che loro avessero potuto vederci! - I wish they could have seen us!Loro sono entrati alla festa, senza che la padrona di casa avesse potuto fare niente. - They showed up at the party, without the owner of the house could have done anything. CONDIZIONALE/CONDITIONAL Il presente io potrei noi potremmo tu potresti voi potreste lui, lei, Lei potrebbe loro, Loro potrebbero Esempi: Potrei andarci, perà ² non voglio. - I could go there, but I don’t want to.Lei vuole viaggiare? Potrebbe andare in Francia e fare WOOFing. - She wants to travel? She could go to France and do WOOFing. Il passato io avrei potuto noi avremmo potuto tu avresti potuto voi avreste potuto lui, lei, Lei avrebbe potuto loro, Loro avrebbero potuto Avrei potuto dirtelo, ma ho pensato non fossi pronta. - I could have told you, but I thought you weren’t ready.Avrebbe potuto scrivere almeno una e-mail! - She could have written at least one e-mail!

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was created by the Treaty of Lagos in Lagos, Nigeria, on May, 28, 1975. It had its roots in earlier attempts at a West African economic community in the 1960s and was spearheaded by Yakuba Gowon of Nigeria and Gnassigbe Eyadema of Togo. The primary purpose of ECOWAS is to promote economic trade, national cooperation, and monetary union, for growth and development throughout West Africa.   A revised treaty intended to accelerate the integration of economic policy and improve political cooperation was signed on July 24, 1993. It set out the goals of a common economic market, a single currency, the creation of a West African parliament, economic and social councils, and a court of justice. The court primarily interprets and mediates disputes over ECOWAS policies and relations, but has the power to investigate alleged human rights abuses in member countries. Membership There are currently 15 member countries in the Economic Community of West African States. The founding members of ECOWAS were: Benin, Cà ´te dIvoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania (left 2002), Niger, Nigeria, Senegal,  Sierra Leone, Togo, and  Burkina Faso  (which joined as  Upper Volta).  Cape Verde  joined in 1977; Morocco requested membership in 2017, and the same year Mauritania requested to rejoin, but the details have yet to be worked out. ECOWAS member countries have three official state languages (French, English, and Portuguese), and well over a thousand existing local languages including cross-border native tongues such as Ewe, Fulfulde, Hausa, Mandingo, Wolof, Yoruba, and Ga. Structure The structure of the Economic Community has changed several times over the years.  In June 2019, ECOWAS has seven active institutions: the Authority of Heads of State and Government (which is the leading body), the ECOWAS Commission (the administrative instrument), the Community Parliament, the Community Court of Justice, the ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID, also known as the Fund), the West African Health Organisation (WAHO), and the Inter-Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing in West Africa (GIABA).  .  The treaties also provide for an advisory Economic and Social Council, but ECOWAS does not list this as part of its current structure. In addition to these seven institutions, specialized agencies in ECOWAS include the West African Monetary Agency (WAMA), the Regional Agency for Agriculture and Food (RAAF), ECOWAS Regional Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERERA), ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency(ECREEE), The West African Power Pool (WAPP), ECOWAS BROWN CARD, ECOWAS Gender Development Centre (EGDC),  ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), West African Monetary Institute (WAMI), and ECOWAS infrastructure Projects. Peacekeeping Efforts   The 1993 treaty also laid the burden of settling regional conflicts on the treaty members, and subsequent policies have established and defined the parameters of ECOWAS peacekeeping forces. The ECOWAS Ceasefire Monitoring Group (known as ECOMOG) was created as a peacekeeping force for the civil wars in Liberia (1990–1998), Sierra Leone (1991–2001), Guinea-Bissau (1998–1999), and Cote DIvoire (2002) and was disbanded at their cessation.  ECOWAS does not have a standing force; each force raised is known by the mission for which it is created.   The peacekeeping efforts undertaken by ECOWAS are just one indication of the increasingly multifaceted nature of the economic communitys efforts to promote and ensure the prosperity and development of West Africa and the well-being of its people. Revised and Expanded by Angela Thompsell Sources Ecowas agrees to admit Morocco to West African body. BBC News, 5 June 2017.Francis, David J. Peacekeeping in a Bad Neighbourhood: The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in Peace and Security in West Africa. African Journal on Conflict Resolution 9.3 (2009): 87–116. Goodridge, R. B. The Economic Community of West African States, in  Economic Integration of West African Nations: A Synthesis for Sustainable Development. International MBA Thesis, National Cheng Chi University, 2006.Obi, Cyril I. Economic Community of West African States on the Ground: Comparing Peacekeeping in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau, and Cà ´te dIvoire. African Security 2.2–3 (2009): 119–35. Okolo, Julius Emeka. Integrative and Cooperative Regionalism: The Economic Community of West African States. International Organization 39.1 (1985): 121–53. Osadolor, Osarhieme Benson. The Evolution of Policy on Security and Defence in ECOWAS, 1978–2008. Journal of t he Historical Society of Nigeria 20 (2011): 87–103. The Economic Community of West African States, official website

Friday, February 14, 2020

Biology Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Biology - Article Example This variation in genes eliminates the chance of delivering mitochondrial diseases to the baby and can affect the baby’s whole personality. This procedure gives the baby chance to live with the healthiest genes. Male mitochondria have no role as these are only present in the sperm tail and do not get the chance of penetrating the egg. The researchers from UK’s Newcastle University are trying another technique that involves the transfer of cell nucleus only and not the mitochondria. The nucleus of the egg with defective mitochondria is transferred to the donor egg. Male infertility can also be cured by injecting healthy mitochondria into the sperm tail which helps in sperm motility. However, chances of mitochondrial diseases to be transferred to the baby still persist as some faulty mitochondria can remain attached to the transferred nucleus. Questions that arise are: Is it not too early to jump to conclusions as Lane himself mentioned that the research work in this area is not complete? If variations in mitochondrial DNA may result in the occurrence of diseases like Alzheimer’s, then is the idea of designer babies a good one? If mitochondrial incompatibilities lead to fatal diseases like early miscarriages, then what is the solution? Have any experiments been conducted to cure male infertility using this concept? Is this concept ethically

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The effects of working night shift Research Paper

The effects of working night shift - Research Paper Example Studies provide enough evidence that adequate sleep benefits alertness, memory, problem solving capacity, overall physical and mental health, and also reduces the risk of accidents. A good sleep during night will allow us to wake up feeling refreshed. On the contrary, if sleep is deprived every part of our body and life can suffer. The jobs, relationships, productivity, health and safety are all put at risk when sleep is deprived. Night shift working can be a serious problem to health and well being of an individual. Nursing profession is a good example for shift based working. In today’s busy schedule of nurses, they often have to compromise on sleep. According to a study, nurses get an average of 6.8 hours of sleep on a working day which is far less than the recommended 8 hours of sleep. This may result in reduced vigilance, reaction time, memory, psychomotor coordination, and decision making that is of utmost importance in this profession (Stutts et al.). There are also stu dies that show that speed of mental processing slows down during the night under conditions of sleep deficiency (Monk et. al. 399-401). Interns made significantly more serious medical errors when they worked repeatedly on shifts of 24 hours compared to when they worked in shorter shifts. (Landrigan et al. 1838-1848). The results for the study by Landrigan et al. may also be extended to nurses who work overtime and commit serious medication errors. In addition to sleep deprivation, there are other problems such as finances, family life, disease, studies, parents, children, etc. that can be a major cause for stress and anxiety. And when lack of sleep combines with stress and anxiety over a period of time, many serious health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes etc. may occur. The major health challenges in people who work regularly during the night are due to sleep deprivation and unscheduled eating habits. Studies have identified that human body works on natu ral biological clock that is termed as Circadian Rhythms. Several physiological functions in the human body undergo natural rhythmic changes in the course of 24-hour period that are seriously disturbed in night shift workers. For instance, the heart rate and body temperature for individuals getting adequate sleep are lowest around 4:00 am and are at peak around 12:00 pm. For night shift workers, the circadian rhythms are disturbed and this can be linked to most disturbing health effects such as gastrointestinal problems, increased risk for cancer, obesity and type 2 diabetes (Baldwin and Barrett 149-155; Levi 119-136; Blask et al. 11174-11184; Arendt 10-20). Additionally, night shift working may also aggravate diseases such as diabetes mellitus, epilepsy and thyrotoxicosis (LaDOU 525-530). Studies on night shift working women showed an increased risk of breast cancer. More precisely, these women working during the nights have 60 percent higher chances of developing breast cancer whe n compared to other women. The reason for this is linked with the production of a hormone Melatonin that occurs during the night and there is a lack of this hormone in night shift working women. Additionally, problems such as irregular menstrual cycles and pain during menstrual periods are also high in these women. There are also problems such as higher risk of spontaneous abortions, low fertility, delayed fetal development, premature delivery and low birth weight faced by women who work during the night (OHCOW 1-6). Night shift working people are

Friday, January 24, 2020

Analysis Of Writers Paulo Frei Essay -- essays research papers

Perspectives in the Arts   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The stories behind a piece of art are infinite. The reasons the artist produced the piece is only one explanation behind the work. Even so, who is to know the specific thoughts the artist was thinking at the time? As each art critic may conclude his own analysis of an artwork, who is right and who is wrong? Just as students challenge the information that is supposedly â€Å"deposited† in them by the teacher in the classroom setting, art challenges the belief- that information can only be used as it was intended, which is highly rare in our day and age. The concept of perspectivism falls into place in this scenario. Art is perceived differently by varying individuals. There can be millions of interpretations that exist for one piece of artwork, however none more or less correct than the next interpretation. Similar to teachers depositing information to the students, each student may receive the information in different contexts. Whose to say whether or not the students’ interpretation is wrong? As writer John Berger points out the concept of reproducing art, in his essay â€Å"Ways of Seeing,† he addresses the idea how perspectives change completely when an artwork is reproduced to be used in a different context. As this is done, new thoughts and interpretations are created, thus can be seen as a progression of ideas. Writer Paulo Freire used the idea that â€Å"knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention(Freire 348)† in his essay, â€Å"The ‘Banking’ Concept of Education.† This idea is the essence of what Berger is trying to point out through the reproducing of art. That the reproduction of art is basically the â€Å"re-invention† of the ideas and interpretations that already exist. And thus only through the re-invention of art, new ideas and new interpretations can be formed, a progression of ideas, achieving true knowledge.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"[Art] becomes information of a sort, and, like all information, it is either put to use or ignored(Berger 120)†. Each individual sees art differently, images become information that is incorporated with the individual’s own knowledge and personality. As art is reproduced over and over again in different contexts, the artist’s original purpose of the image is altered, a progression from old ideas to new ideas. Clearly one can see how the original intended purp... ... of an image, even more ideas and thoughts are evoked. These reproductions now represented in new contexts bear new ideas that are to looked upon in a different manner for these images, â€Å"like all information, have to hold their own against all the other information being continually transmitted(Berger 123)†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The idea that surrounds an image having one clear message has been proved to be obsolete. Information cannot be used in one single manner. Matter of fact, there are just too many variables regarding perspectivism, individuality, and personal knowledge that prohibits a single idea that is to be received universally. Berger’s reproduction of art only further implicates the ideas that already exists, and takes it to the next level of thinking, incorporating new ideas that originally may have had no relevance whatsoever, the progression of ideas, so to speak. As art challenges the belief- that information can only be used as it was intended, the conclusion is that information can be used in innumerable ways. Information was meant to be challenged, evoking new challenges and new thoughts and ideas in a never ending cycle of progression from old to new.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Bandura theories social cognition Essay

Albert Bandura`s social learning theory places learning in a social context. Bandura and his colleagues take the position that personality is acquired, or learned behavior. In particular, Bandura`s insistence that behavior can be learned from mere observation is a significant departure from Skinner’s behaviorist position. An original empirical demonstration of observational learning was presented in a study by Bandura, Ross, and Ross (1993). Nursery school children were allowed to watch an adult’s unusual aggressive actions against an inflated Bobo doll – the kind that pops back up after it has been punched or knocked down. The adult models hit the doll with a hammer and kicked it, tossed it in the air, and even sat on it and punched it. After merely observing this behavior, the children were later allowed to play with toys that included the Bobo doll and hammer. The children who observed the adult model, either live or on videotape, hit the doll more frequently than a control group who had not seen a model. They also tended to hit the doll the way they had observed the adult model do it. Bandura interpreted this study as demonstrating that the probability of behavior can be strengthened through observation. Indeed, in Bandura`s approach to personality, much of one’s behavior is learned and strengthened through imitation, which is a kind of social cognition learning. In this term paper I address the difference in the effectiveness of using simulation intervention program based on a Bandura`s Social learning theory. Moreover, to find out if the program improves either or both the quality and speed of the learning process of students enrolled in a highly technical training program. This term paper focuses on using simulation based learning environments in vocational training program. In this paper, the experimental methodology and instruments are described, results and findings presented and finally discussed and concluded. METHODOLOGY Doing my research on Bandura`s Social learning theory in complex simulation-based learning environments, I experienced a large difference in how learners reacted to my learning material (Kluge, in press, 2004). Complex technical simulations involve the placement of the learner into a realistic computer simulated situation or technical scenario which puts control back into the learner’s hands. The contextual content of simulations allows the learner to â€Å"learn by doing. † Although my primary purpose was in improving research methods and testing procedures for evaluating learning results of simulation-based learning, the different reaction of the participants were so obvious that I took a closer look. I had two different groups participating in my learning experiments: students from an engineering department at the University, mostly in their 3rd semester, and apprentices from vocational training programs in mechanics and electronics of several companies near the University area in their 3rd year of vocational training. Most of the students worked very intensively and concentrated on solving these complex simulation tasks whereas apprentices became easily frustrated and bored. Purposes of the Study Although my first research purpose was not in investigating the differences between these groups, colleagues and practitioners showed their interest and encouraged me to look especially at that difference. Practitioners especially hoped to find explanations why apprentices sometimes are less enthusiastic about simulation learning although it is said to be motivating for their perception. As mentioned above, my primary purpose when I started to investigate learning and simulation based on Bandura`s Social Cognition theories was focused on improving the research methodology and test material (see Kluge, in press, 2004) for experimenting with simulation-based learning environments. But observing the subjects’ reactions to the learning and testing material the question arose whether there might be a difference in the quality of and speed of the learning process of students involved in my study. Research Design A 3-factor 2 ? 2 ? 2 factorial control-group-design was performed (factor 1: â€Å"Simulation complexity†: ColorSim 5 vs ColorSim 7; factor 2: â€Å"support method†: GES vs. DI-GES; factor 3: target group, see Table 2). Two hundred and fifteen mostly male students (16% female) in eight groups (separated into four experimental and four control groups) participated in the main study. The control group served as a treatment check for the learning phase and to demonstrate whether subjects acquired any knowledge within the learning-phase. While the experimental groups filled in the knowledge test at the end of the experiment (after the learning and the transfer tasks), the control groups filled in the knowledge test directly after the learning phase. I did not want to give the knowledge test to the experimental group after the learning phase because of its sensitivity to testing-effects. I assumed that learners who did not acquire the relevant knowledge in the learning phase could acquire useful knowledge by taking the knowledge test, which could have led to a better transfer performance which is not due to the learning method but caused by learning from taking the knowledge test. The procedure subjects had to follow included a learning phase in which they explored the structure of the simulation aiming at knowledge acquisition. After the learning phase, subjects first had to fill in the four-item questionnaire on self-efficacy before they performed 18 transfer tasks. The transfer tasks were separated into two blocks (consisting of nine control tasks each) by a 30-minute break. In four experimental groups (EG), 117 students and apprentices performed the learning phase (28 female participants), the 18 control tasks and the knowledge test. As said before, the knowledge test was applied at the end because of its sensitivity to additional learning effects caused by filling in the knowledge test. In four control groups (CG), 98 students and apprentices performed the knowledge test directly after the learning phase, without working on the transfer task (four female participants). The EGs took about 2-2. 5 hours and the CG about 1. 5 hours to finish the experiment. Both groups (EGs and CGs) were asked to take notes during the learning phase. Subjects were randomly assigned to the EGs and CGs, nonetheless ensuring that the same number of students and apprentices were in each group.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

16 Inspiring Thanksgiving Quotes

These inspirational Thanksgiving quotes teach us to count our blessings. If we wish to express gratitude to our friends, family, and God for these blessings, then these Thanksgiving quotes  should be helpful there, too. Giving Thanks Here are some thoughts on being grateful: Johannes A. Gaertner: AuthorTo speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven. William Law: English clericWould you know who is the greatest saint in the world: It is not he who prays most or fasts most, it is not he who gives most alms or is most eminent for temperance, chastity or justice; but it is he who is always thankful to God, who wills everything that God wills, who receives everything as an instance of Gods goodness and has a heart always ready to praise God for it. Melody Beattie: American authorGratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. Frank A. Clark: Former English soccer playerIf a fellow isnt thankful for what hes got, he isnt likely to be thankful for what hes going to get. Fred De Witt Van Amburgh: Dutch cartographer and artistNone is more impoverished than the one who has no gratitude. Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy. John Fitzgerald Kennedy: Late American presidentAs we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. Estonian ProverbWho does not thank for little will not thank for much. Ethel Watts Mumford: American authorGod gave us our relatives; thank God we can choose our friends. Meister Eckhart; German theologianIf the only prayer you said in your whole life was, Thank you, that would suffice. Galatians 6:9Do not get tired of doing what is good. Dont get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. Thomas Aquinas: Catholic priest, philosopherThanksgiving is a special virtue. But ingratitude is opposed to Thanksgiving. Therefore ingratitude is a special sin. Albert Barnes: American theologianWe can always find something to be thankful for, and there may be reasons why we ought to be thankful for even those dispensations which appear dark and frowning. Henry Ward Beecher: American clergymanThe unthankful heart ... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings! William Faulkner: American novelistGratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all. George Herbert: English poetThou that has given so much to me,Give one thing more—a grateful heart;Not thankful when it pleases me,As if Thy blessings had spare days;But such a heart, whose pulse may beThy praise.